1300 767 741

Mon-Thursday 8.30am – 5pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm
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Do termites really chatter

It is true, it wasn’t until I heard this audio that I believed it myself. You have to listen carefully but you can hear a tapping sound this is actually termites butting against timbers as a defence mechanism when they feel threatened. If you have a severe infestation in your home you may actually hear them while you sleep. The photo here is an example of termites in a wall of a home and then taking flight and breaking through the wall, substantial damage was found at this property.

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“The vendor of the property Brendan inspected is a returned serviceman and as such struggles with anxiety and other mental health issues. I was absolutely impressed at how Brendan handled a very anxious and difficult vendor and put him at ease by talking to him about the defence force and just generally being kind and mindful with him. It is really nice to see people who care about other people, not just “doing their job” and moving on.

Please pass on my thanks, I really do appreciate Brendan’s manner in what has been a difficult transaction with this vendor.”

South Coast, Real Estate Agent

I met with Brendan on-site for a verbal debrief, and he was great – easy to speak with, and he was great at explaining things to me in a non-technical way. He’s given us a couple of things to think about, but that’s exactly what you guys are there to do.

Chris & Pam, Canberra

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Property Works Pty Ltd Trading As Surety Property ABN 81 097 333 849
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