You are concerned about termites
Sometimes you just want some straightforward advice from an industry specialist without requiring a formal report or onsite assessment.
You may have found something unusual in and around the house which you are concerned is termite related and are looking for some expert advice.
Send us a photo and have a phone consultation with our termite specialist. To find out more about this service call us on 1300 767 741 or send an enquiry or make a booking
The things we can help you with are:
- You found what you think are termites but want to be sure
- You want to know the termite species
- How much damage can this type of termite cause
- Is this timber damage caused by termites or woodrot
- Your vaccum went through the skirting, what does this mean
We are not only termite specialists but are also building consultants. This is important because we understand buildings and how termites can affect a building structure. We can provide advice on structural integrity issues and the best way forward to correct any damage. Most Pest Managers don’t have a background in building.
To allow us to give you expert advice the photo needs to be a quality clear photo. Alternatively if you would just like our expert to carry out a full termite inspection we can help with that.
Call us on 1300 767 741 to arrange where to email in your photos and we will coordinate a convenient phone hook up for yourself and our consultant. We will discuss your concerns, photos and provide appropriate advice.
The fee for this service is $55 for our initial pre-analysis of the photos and the first 15-minutes on the phone. Any additional time on the phone is charged in 15-minute increments at $35. We generally find 15 minutes is sufficient time to discuss one termite issue along with 1-3 photos.
If we cannot give you a satisfactory answer to your problem, there will be no charge.
To find out more about this service call us on 1300 767 741 or send an enquiry or make a booking
“We appreciated Surety ‘s quick response to our pest concerns at short notice through the send us a photo option. The inspection that followed was professional, cordial, thorough and informative.”
(Karen Ivkovic, Canberra homeowner)